Train girls, women and people with disability in business management, marketing and entrepreneurship
Posted on , by Umoja Wa Wawezeshaji Kioo (KIOO)Location: Kigoma Region
Status: Closed
This project was design to address constraints that girls and women are facing in doing business. Under this project beneficiaries were divided into two categories being 100 girls and women aged 15 to 24 that was trained into integrating education with entrepreneurship concepts for period of not less than six (6) months.
The second group were 150 girls and women aged 25 to 35 that was trained on entrepreneurship and business management through SIYB methodology. The SIYB methodology is a system of inter-related training packages supporting materials for small-scale entrepreneurs to start, grow and sustain their businesses. All graduates were provided with startup, mentorship and groomed during the early starting stages, also they were linked with local government authorities and other financial institution for easy access to local funding.
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EWAGITA reached Women in Rural Newala
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Umoja Wa Wawezeshaji Kioo (KIOO)
Need For Rightness Organization (NERIO)
Southern Highlands Paralegal Organization (sohipo) (SOHIPO)
Sauti Ya Mtoto Foundation (smf) (SMF)
Test Org
Tanzania Peace Legal Aid And Justice Center (PLAJC)
Mimutie Women Organization (mwo)
Binti Salha Foundation