To promote women economic justice in fishing community in Kigoma in accessing WYPDF information and policies

Posted on , by Umoja Wa Wawezeshaji Kioo (KIOO)
Duration: 10 Aug, 2021 - 31 Jul, 2023
Location: Kasulu Town Council
Status: Closed

The government of the united republic of Tanzania in promoting welfare and boosting economic status of her people decided to establish  Women, Youth and People with Disability Fund (WYPDF) from local government own resources collection where each council is required to set aside 10% for youth, women and people with disabilities.

The regulations governing such fund stipulate that the funds should be distributed to women, youth and people with disability in a ratio of 4: 4: 2 meaning 4% for women, 4% for youth and 2% for people with disabilities. However, experience shows that the allocation of these funds has been unsatisfactory and unknown among respective groups, especially those from fishing and peripheral communities.

Therefore the overall objective of this project is to advocate for improvements to the rules governing this fund as well as the availability of fund information to beneficiaries.

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