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EWAGITA reached Women in Rural Newala

EWAGITA reached Women in Rural Newala

National NaneNane Day held in Mbeya, 2023.

“THE GLOBAL 16 DAYS CAMPAIGN (16 Days of Activism)”

[Meeting with Local Government Stakeholders]

[Commemoration of Women's Day at Ukonga Ward]

[Community Outreach through Media Engagement

[]Conduct Budget Analysis with GRB Ilala Team

[]Running Weekly Life Skills Programs for in school Adolescents

[Local Min-Training on Peace and Security for Youth Initiatives in Kigoma Region ]

[Attend the Regional Multi-Stakeholders Conference]

[Enrollment and train youth on vocational skills ]

[Construction of the buildings for vocational trainings]

[Conduct Public Expenditure Tracking Survey ]

[Conduct training for 50 youth (girls and boys) on how to conduct the

[Conduct training for 200 community members on the importance to question their leaders

[Conduct events to promote nutrition]

[Participate in Multi-Stakeholders District Nutrition committee meeting]

[Conduct nutrition interventions with six behaviors emphasized by the project]

[Mapping of support groups to work with the project]

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